The United States International Trade Commission (USITC) today determined that a U.S. industry is materially injured by reason of imports of vertical metal file cabinets from China that the U.S. Department of Commerce (Commerce) has determined are subsidized and sold in the United States at less than fair value.

Chairman David S. Johanson and Commissioners Rhonda K. Schmidtlein, Jason E. Kearns, Randolph J. Stayin, and Amy A. Karpel voted in the affirmative.

As a result of the USITC’s affirmative determinations, Commerce will issue antidumping and countervailing duty orders on imports of this product from China. 

The Commission’s public report Vertical Metal File Cabinets from China (Inv. Nos. 701-TA-623 and 731-TA-1462 (Final), USITC Publication 4995, December 2019) will contain the views of the Commission and information developed during the investigations.

The report will be available by December 30, 2019; when available, it may be accessed on the USITC website at:

Washington, DC 20436


Vertical Metal File Cabinets from China
Investigation Nos. 701-TA-623 and 731-TA-1449 (Final)

Product Description:  Vertical metal file cabinets (VMFCs) are freestanding units of carbon and/or alloy steel and/or other metals, being 25 inches or less in width, and containing at least two extendable file drawers that are tall enough to store hanging files for either letter- or legal-sized sized documents. Surfaces of VMFCs can be painted, galvanized, or coated for corrosion protection or aesthetic appearance. Additional features can include: (1) one or more extendable non-file-sized (e.g., box or pencil) drawers; (2) a non-extendable (e.g., a cubby) storage area; or (3) mobility elements (e.g., casters, wheels, or a dolly). The subject merchandise can be imported either fully assembled or unassembled as a ready-to-assemble kit. Excluded from the scope of these investigations are: (1) lateral metal file cabinets, with a width exceeding 25 inches that is greater than the body depth; (2) pedestal file cabinets, with body depths that are greater than or equal to their width, are less than 31 inches tall, and are designed to be either freestanding or attached to or hung beneath a desktop or other work surface; and (3) fire-proof or fire-resistant file cabinets.

Status of Proceedings:

1.   Type of investigations:  Final-phase countervailing duty and antidumping investigations.
2.   Petitioners:  Hirsh Industries LLC, Des Moines, Iowa.
3.   USITC Institution Date:  Tuesday, April 30, 2019.
4.   USITC Hearing Date:  Tuesday, October 8, 2019.
5.   USITC Vote Date:  Friday, November 8, 2019.
6.   USITC Notification to Commerce Date:  Tuesday, December 9, 2019. More →