WASHINGTON – Today, under the leadership of President Donald J. Trump, the U.S. Department of Commerce announced that it has issued a notice of proposed rulemaking to impose countervailing duties on countries that act to undervalue their currency relative to the dollar, resulting in a subsidy to their exports. U.S. law defines a countervailable subsidy as a financial contribution from a government or public entity that is specific and that provides a benefit to a foreign producer or exporter.
“This change puts foreign exporters on notice that the Department of Commerce can countervail currency subsidies that harm U.S. industries,” said Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross. “Foreign nations would no longer be able to use currency policies to the disadvantage of American workers and businesses. This proposed rulemaking is a step toward implementing President Trump’s campaign promise to address unfair currency practices by our trading partners.”
The draft regulation identifies the criteria the Department would use to determine if countervailing duties should be imposed for currency undervaluation. Read More →