For assistance, contact the FDA office covering your port of entry.
Visit the FDA Import Offices and Ports of Entry page for contact information and instructions. It includes an interactive map that importers can use to find the right office for their shipment and based on where the product is entering the United States.
To speed assistance to importers during the COVID-19 pandemic with an urgent need of COVID-19 supplies, please have the necessary information available, such as the:
entry number (which you can get from your entry filer),
port of entry, and
other shipment details.
The FDA receives many different types of entries (consumption, informal, warehouse, import for export, etc.). Most questions revolve around the difference between commercial and personal shipments.
Commercial Shipments: Imported goods brought into U.S. commerce for sale or distribution. To find out more information about the different types of entries visit our Common Entry Types page.
Personal Shipments: Imported goods brought into the U.S. for personal use. Read more about