CSMS #42429822 - US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) Interim Implementation Instructions

This message is to inform the trade community of the release of the USMCA Interim Implementing Instructions.

These Interim Implementing Instructions are informational and provide early guidance on the new requirements under the USMCA, including information on claiming USMCA preferential treatment for goods.

The Final Implementing Instructions will be released prior to the date the USMCA enters into force and will provide the Trade and Field with additional details on the USMCA entry, compliance, and other requirements.

To support the USMCA implementation, Title 19, Code of Federal Regulations 182 (19 CFR 182) is being developed to include the USMCA Uniform Regulations, USMCA Domestic Regulations, and Appendix. Further, the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States is to be amended to include General Note 11 with information on the USMCA rules of origin. As such, these Interim Implementing Instructions are subject to change pending the issuance of GN11 and 19 CFR 182 regulations.

Until the USMCA enters into force, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) requirements remains in effect.

These instructions are for advance informational and advisory purposes only.  They are not final and are subject to further revision.  They are not intended to have legal or binding effect. Any decisions a reader makes based on this draft document are made with the understanding that the information in these instructions is advisory only and may change. The reader is responsible for monitoring the CBP website to ensure awareness of the status of any revisions to this document.

Questions regarding this guidance can be directed to Maya Kamar, Director, Textiles and Trade Agreements Division at (202) 945-7228 or email FTA@CBP.DHS.GOV.

The USMCA Interim Implementing Instructions


 The USMCA Implementation Act (Public Law No: 116-113)


The USMCA Agreement, Final Text


USTR Federal Register Notice on Alternative Staging Regimes for Automotive Imports

FRN 2020-08405, to be published April 21, 2020

