Commerce Preliminarily Finds Dumping of Imports of Utility Scale Wind Towers from Canada, Indonesia, Korea, and Vietnam


• On February 5, 2020, the Department of Commerce (Commerce) announced its affirmative preliminary determinations in the antidumping duty (AD) investigation of imports of Utility Scale Wind Towers from Canada, Indonesia, the Republic of Korea (Korea), and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (Vietnam).

• The AD law provides U.S. businesses and workers with a transparent, quasi-judicial, and internationally accepted mechanism to seek relief from the market distorting effects caused by injurious dumping of imports into the United States, establishing an opportunity to compete on a level playing field.

• For the purpose of AD investigations, dumping occurs when a foreign company sells an imported product in the United States at less than fair value. • In the Canada investigation, Commerce calculated a preliminary dumping rate of 5.04 percent for sole mandatory respondent Marmen Inc./Marmen Énergie Inc. Commerce assigned a preliminary dumping margin of 5.04 percent for all other producers/exporters in Canada.

• In the Indonesia investigation, Commerce calculated a preliminary dumping rate of 6.38 percent for sole mandatory respondent PT Kenertec Power System. Commerce assigned a preliminary dumping margin of 6.38 percent for all other producers/exporters in Indonesia.

• In the Korea investigation, Commerce calculated a preliminary dumping rate of 5.98 percent for mandatory respondent Dongkuk S&C Co., Ltd. Commerce assigned a preliminary dumping margin of 5.98 percent for all other producers/exporters in Korea.

• In the Vietnam investigation, Commerce assigned a preliminary dumping rate of 65.96 percent, based on total adverse facts available, to mandatory respondent CS Wind Vietnam Co., Ltd. There is already an existing AD order on utility scale wind towers from Vietnam; the petition was filed with respect to one company that was excluded from the existing order. As noted below, the scope language for the investigations specifically excludes utility scale wind towers already subject to the existing order.

• As a result of the preliminary affirmative determinations, Commerce will instruct U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to require cash deposits for Utility Scale Wind Towers from Canada, Indonesia, Korea, and Vietnam based on these preliminary rates. More →